
Postdoc suc­cess­fully pub­lishes in In­ven­tiones math­em­at­icae

The journal "Inventiones Mathematicae" is considered as one of the world leading journals and it is considered as a special highlight if the work of a young scientist is published in such a journal. This has been recently achieved by Benjamin Delarue, a postdoc of the group in his article "The Ruelle zeta function at zero for nealy hyperbolic 3-manifolds" that he co-authored with Mihajlo Cekic (Uni Zürich), Semyon Dyatlov (MIT) and Gabriel Paternain (Cambridge University). The articles provides a surprising first counterexampel to a set of conjectures that are known under the name of Frieds conjecture. One important ingredient in this work is a quantum classical correspondence on vector bundles that has been developed in previous works of Benajmin Delarue.