18th French - German - Italian Conference on Optimization, Paderborn, September 25 - 28, 2017
This conference is the 18th of the series of French-German meetings which started in Oberwolfach, Germany, in 1980. Since 1998, the conference has been organized under the participation of a third European country. This time it is jointly organized with Italy, and takes place at the Paderborn University. The conference will consist of invited plenary talks, minisymposia, and contributed talks.
The conference will address all aspects of optimization and its applications, including:
- continuous optimization (smooth and nonsmooth)
- optimal control and calculus of variations
- optimization with PDE
- numerical methods for mathematical programming
- robust optimization
- mixed integer optimization
- differential inclusions and set-valued analysis
- stochastic optimization
- multicriteria optimization
- optimization techniques for industrial applications