10th Tux Work­shop on Quan­tum Gra­vi­ty

The 10th Tux winter workshop on quantum gravity took place February 13-17, 2023 in Tux (Austria).

We have been aware of the fact that the pandemic is not over yet and that some of you, for whatever reason, might have difficulties to travel. Therefore, we set up again a hybrid workshop as we did last February. In order to keep the meeting rather informal, however, remote access required previous registration.

Organizing Committee

Mehdi Assanioussi mehdi.assanioussi ....... fuw.edu.pl NCBJ Poland
Norbert Bodendorfer norbert.bodendorfer ...... ur.de Universität Regensburg
Christian Fleischhack christian.fleischhack ...... math.upb.de Universität Paderborn
Jerzy Lewandowski jerzy.lewandowski ....... fuw.edu.pl Uniwersytet Warszawski
Ilkka Mäkinen ilkka.makinen ....... ncbj.gov.pl NCBJ Poland
Hanno Sahlmann hanno.sahlmann ...... fau.de FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Please replace the multiple dots by @ and ignore spaces.


Please apply for participation in the workshop by e-mail to the conference address

tuxworkshop . . . . . . . . fuw.edu.pl (spaced dots to be replaced by "@")

as soon as possible, and before Friday, December 16, 2022. Please let us know whether you plan to be on-site in Tux or on-line only. If you will come to Tux, please also indicate your dates of arrival and departure.

Please send title and abstract of your proposed talk to the same address. The deadline for talk submission was Thursday, January 12, 2023, although earlier submission is strongly encouraged.

Please let us know if your name, affiliation and talk details shall not be published at the website.


The schedule is now available.

Further Information

The aim is to bring together experts on loop quantum gravity and related topics. In general, the topics of the workshop include  

  • All approaches to loop quantum gravity (e.g. canonical, covariant, GFT)
  • Other approaches to quantum gravity and their relation to LQG
  • LQG related quantum gravity phenomenology
  • Quantum gravity topics of general interest
  • GR and differential geometry topics of general interest

For the upcoming workshop, we particularly invite contributions on

  • Quantum black holes
  • Fundamental structures of LQG

First and foremost, we would like to invite you to take part in the meeting and to submit a talk.

At present, we are not aware of any Covid restrictions in Austria, except for (1) some mask mandates and (2) the requirement, when travelling from People's Republic of China, to present a negative PCR test. Also, we do not expect that the level of restrictions will reach again that of previous years, unless there will pop up particular virus variants.

Nevertheless, anticipating rising infection figures in the first months of 2023, there might reappear minor restrictions like an extension of mask mandates, e.g.,
to public transport or indoor meetings. Independently of any legal requirements, we strongly recommend to wear a mask during indoor events.

Please note that all the information we have provided here, is informal and not legally binding. Also we will not be able to communicate any future changes in the
rules. However, if we do become aware of some relevant changes, we will let you know.

(All information as of February 1, 2023.)

E-mail tuxworkshop........fuw.edu.pl   (with the dots replaced by @)

You may also feel free to contact any of the organizers.

Lanersbach 401
6293 Tux

This year's conference is supported by Regensburg University. Therefore, there will again be no conference fee.

At the same time, however, we do not expect to have any financial support available directly for participants.

The nearest train station for long-distance trains is Jenbach; from Jenbach there is a light train to Mayrhofen and then a bus to Tux.

The nearest airports are Munich and Innsbruck. There has also been an affordable shuttle service from Munich airport.

There is a tourist service that can find accommodation according to your specifications and help with the booking. You can also book online on the their website, but it may also be helpful to call them, as not all places are bookable online. They speak English:

Phone +43 5287 8506
Fax +43 5287 8508
E-mail info............tux.at   (with dots replaced by @)

Please notice that the conference venue is in Tux-Lanersbach. If you stay in Hintertux or in Finkenberg, you would have to take a bus to get there.

Ibai Asensio Radboud University Nijmegen
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
Mehdi Assanioussi NCBJ Poland
Sepideh Bakhoda Beijing Normal University
Charlie Beil University of Graz
Idrus Belfaqih University of Edinburgh
Michał Bobula Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Norbert Bodendorfer Universität Regensburg
Eryk Buk Uniwersytet Warszawski
Anne-Catherine de la Hamette Universität Wien
Thiago Lucena de Macedo Guedes Forschungszentrum Jülich
Bogar Díaz Jiménez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Andrzej Dragan Uniwersytet Warszawski
Max Joseph Fahn Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Christian Fleischhack Universität Paderborn
Kristina Giesel Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Viktoria Kabel Universität Wien
Wojciech Kaminski Uniwersytet Warszawski
Maciej Kolanowski Uniwersytet Warszawski
Jerzy Lewandowski Uniwersytet Warszawski
Shengzhi Li Beijing Normal University
Hongguang Liu Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Etera Livine ENS Lyon
Gaoping Long South China University of Technology
Ilkka Mäkinen NCBJ Poland
Seth A. Major Hamilton College
Anupam Mazumdar University of Groningen
Guillermo A. Mena Marugán CSIC
Yasmine M'hirsi Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Jonas Neuser Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Jan Novák Czech Technical University
Javier Olmedo Universidad de Granada
Costantino Pacilio Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Jorge Pullin Louisiana State University
Salvatore Ribisi Aix-Marseille Université
Carlo Rovelli Aix-Marseille Université
Melissa Rodriguez Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Hanno Sahlmann Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Sandipan Sengupta Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Shupeng Song Beijing Institute of Technology
Sebastian Steinhaus Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Yaser Tavakoli University of Guilan
Thomas Thiemann Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Madhavan Varadarajan Raman Research Institute
Sami Viollet Aix-Marseille Université
Wolfgang Wieland Universität Wien
Edward Wilson-Ewing University of New Brunswick
Faqiang Yuan Beijing Normal University
Cong Zhang Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Xiangdong Zhang South China University

(as of January 26, 2023)

Please note that we can not support visa applications in most cases.

The 11th Tux workshop on quantum gravity is planned to take place on Feb 19-23, 2024. You may find information about previous editions via the following links:

  • 2022
  • 2021 – cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013


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