Wednesday, September 27

Minisymposium 3: Numerical optimal control: Methods II

Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Room: L1, Building L
Kathrin Flaßkamp, Universität Bremen, Kurt Chudej, Universität Bayreuth, and Matthias Gerdts, Universität der Bundeswehr, München
Chair: Sven-Joachim Kimmerle, Universität der Bundeswehr München

Most optimal control problems that arise e.g. in engineering or biomedical applications have to be addressed by numerical methods. The minisymposium brings together several presentations from numerical optimal control. This includes newly developed numerical methods and their analyses as well as applications of optimization-based control. Optimal control problems of ordinary and partial differential equations as well as of coupled systems are considered.



10:30 - 11:00Karl Worthmann (Technische Universität Illmenau)
On the approximation of infinite horizon optimal control problems
11:00 - 11:30Arthur Fleig (Universität Bayreuth)
On model predictive control for probability density functions
11:30 - 12:00Katharina Kolo  (Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus–Senftenberg)
A dual based pseudospectral method for infinite horizon optimal control problems