Ober­sem­in­ar Graphen­the­or­ie (L.105.65142) - SS 2020 - (on­line)




27.05.2020 16:00 Davide Mattiolo (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
"Edge colorings and circular flows on regular graphs"
17.06.2020 16:00 Anna Kompišová (Comenius University, Bratislava)
"Flow number and circular flow number of signed cubic graphs"
01.07.2020 16:00

Jean Paul Zerafa (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
"Some snarks are worse than others"

08.07.2020 16:00 Carol Zamfirescu (Ghent University)
"Hamiltonian cycles and 1-factors in 5-regular graphs"