In­sti­tute of Math­em­at­ics

From A for Analysis to D for Didactics of Mathematics and N for Numerics to Z for Number Theory - theoretical and practical, applied and complex. Uncovering hidden structures, developing new ideas, solving problems - mathematics is the key to technical innovation.

Our institute combines outstanding mathematical research, a strong focus on mathematics didactics and a wide range of industrial collaborations with excellent support and individualised supervision for our students. Research and teaching at an international level - competitive and future-orientated.

In­sti­tute man­age­ment

Con­tact us

Institute office
Karina Machuletz
Building section D, 2nd floor, room 222
Postal address: Institute of Mathematics, Warburger Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn
Phone/fax: (05251) 60- 2626/3836
Email: eim-m-gs[at]