Oberseminar Zahlentheorie
Wintersemester 24/25: The Fargues-Fontaine curve and geometrization
We meet weekly on Thursday at 09:15 in E2.320.
- 23.01. Geometrization of local Langalands (Migyu Ni)
- 16.01. The relative Fargues-Fontaine curve (Abhijit Aryampilly Jayanthan)
- 09.01. No seminar
- 19.12. Special Talk by Adel Betina
- 12.12. The Fargues-Fontaine curve II (Claudius Heyer)
- 05.12. The Fargues-Fontaine curve I (Claudius Heyer)
- 28.11. La courbe (Alexandre Maksoud)
- 21.11. Perfectoid rings and perfectoid spaces (Carlo Kaul)
- 14.11. Perfectoid fields and perfectoid algebras (Luca Speciale)
- 07.11. Adic spaces II (Carlo Kaul)
- 31.10. Adic spaces I (Carlo Kaul)
- 24.10. L-invariants of modular forms: The Theorem of Greenberg-Stevens II (Luca Speciale)
- 17.10. L-invariants of modular forms: The Theorem of Greenberg-Stevens I (Luca Speciale)
Sommersemester 2024: Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups
We meet weekly on Tuesday at 11:00 sharp in P1.1.02.
The aim of this semester is to get learn about the cohomology of arithmetic groups, its relation to automorphic representations and arithmetic applications
- 16.07. Special values of automorphic L-functions
- 09.07. An Eisenstein congruence II
- 02.07. An Eisenstein congruence I
- 25.06. Franke's general Eichler-Shimura isomorphism
- 18.06. Fundamental long exact sequence and Eisenstein spectral sequence
- 11.06. Matsushima's Formula (Mingyu Ni)
- 04.06. Local systems on locally symmetric spaces (Fabian Januszewski)
- 28.05. Borel-Serre compactification II (Abhijit Aryampilly Jayanthan)
- 21.05. Borel-Serre compactification I (Abhijit Aryampilly Jayanthan)
- 14.05. Reduction theory II (Luca Speciale)
- 07.05. No seminar
- 30.04. Reduction theory I (Luca Speciale)
- 23.04. Reductive groups and adelic double quotients (Mingyu Ni)
- 16.04. The Leray spectral sequence relating group and sheaf cohomology / The classical Eichler-Shimura isomorphism and the Hecke action (Carlo Kaul / Mingyu Ni)
- 08.04. Group representations of arithmetic groups and their associated local systems on locally symmetric spaces (Carlo Kaul)
Wintersemester 23/24: Arthur's Endoscopic Classification II: Langlands Constant Term Formula
We meet weekly on Monday at 9:15 in D1.303.
The aim of this semester is to understand Langlands' Theorem on the constant term of Eisenstein series.
- 27.02. Special Talk by Kazim Büyükboduk
- 15.02. Constant terms and L-functions (Mingyu Ni)
- 15.02. Eisenstein series and constant terms (Fabian Januszewski)
- 14.02. Special Talk by Oscar Rivero
- 05.02. Admissible Representations (Luca Speciale)
- 29.01. Induced representations and intertwining operators (Alexandre Maksoud)
- 15.01. Langlands functoriality conjectures (Abhijit Aryampilly Jayanthan)
- 08.01. Automorphic forms and automorphic representations (Carlo Kaul)
- 18.12. Spectral decomposition of L^2(\Gamma \ Sl_2(R)) (Carlo Kaul)
- 11.12. Non-holomorphic Eisenstein series (Alexandre Maksoud)
- 04.12. Classical Holomorphic Eisenstein series (Luca Speciale)
- 20.11. Programme discussion
- 13.11. Preliminary meeting
Sommersemester 2023: Arthur's Endoscopic Classification I
We meet weekly on Wednesday on 11:00 (sharp) in J2.304.
The aim of this seminar is to understand Arthur's Classification of automorphic representations of classical groups. In this semester we prepare the necessary background from Langlands' theory of automorphic forms.
- 12.07. Multiplicity One (Fabian Januszewski)
- 05.07. Guest talk: Adjoint p-adic L-functions (Alexandre Maksoud)
- 28.06. Langlands Functoriality, the Satake isomorphism and Langlands Group (Mingyu Ni)
- 21.06. Non-Archimedean Langlands Classification II: Sketch of the proof (Carlo Kaul)
- 14.06. Non-Archimedean Langlands Classification: Weil-Deligne representations (Carlo Kaul)
- 07.06. Archimedean Langlands Classification (Mingyu Ni)
- 31.05. Bernstein-Zelevinsky Classification (Martin Baric)
- 24.05. Representation theory of p-adic groups (Martin Baric)
- 17.05. Automorphic representations, parabolic induction and tensor product decomposition (Alexandre Maksoud)
- 10.05. On Langlands' notion of an automorphic form (Alexandre Maksoud)
- 03.05. Representations of the Weil group (Mingyu Ni)
- 26.04. Local class field theory and the Weil group (Carlo Kaul)
- 19.04. Overview of Arthur's Classification (Fabian Januszewski)
- 12.04. Discussion and vote on this semester's topic (all)