Ober­se­mi­nar "Num­ber Theo­ry and Arith­me­ti­cal Sta­ti­stics": Ma­rc Tech­nau (UPB), The dis­tri­bu­ti­on of qua­dra­tic non-re­si­du­es: A stroll through the gar­den

Ort: A3.339
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: The distribution of quadratic non-residues: A stroll through the garden

Abstract: We shall have a stroll through the garden of classical results about the distribution quadratic (non-)residues modulo a prime with an emphasis on the methods involved.
We shall also stress the depressing state of the affairs pertaining to the distribution of quadratic non-residues in non-initial segments, highlighting work by Konyagin and Shaprlinski from 2015 which surmounts some — yet far from all — of the obstacles involved.