Spring School Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on Theo­ry and Geo­me­try of Re­duc­ti­ve Groups

March 17 - 28, 2014

Kloster Heiligkreuztal


  • Bernhard Krötz
  • Eric M. Opdam







Lecture courses (5 courses consisting of five one hour lectures each):

Conference speakers:

Special lecture:

Simon Gindikin     Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces is equivalent to the flat model

Additional short courses in week 2:

  • Tobias Finis           Limit multiplicities 
  • Toshihiko Matsuki  Actions of reductive groups on multiple flag varieties 
  • David Renard         The Dirac operator in representation theory 

List of participants


How to get there:

Go to the rail road station of Riedlingen. From there you take a taxi to Kloster Heiligkreuztal which you can order by phone: 07371-7407 (Taxi Kasiske). You can reach Riedlingen from Frankfurt or Zürich international airport within 3 hours (klick here to obtain the train schedule). Location map Kloster Heiligkreuztal.

Excursions on the weekend:

  • Saturday, March 22: Bus trip to Lindau: visit of the Dornier Museum, walk through the old city, boat trip on the Bodensee.  Dinner: Ritteressen.
  • Sunday, March 23: Hike to a Celtic village.


--- Fully sponsored by ERC Advanced Investigators Grant HARG 268105 ---