Pub­lic­a­tions Dr. Fa­bi­an Gund­lach


Integral Brauer-Manin obstructions for sums of two squares and a power

F. Gundlach, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 88 (2013) 599–618.

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Fi­nal theses

Parametrizing extensions with fixed Galois group

F. Gundlach, Parametrizing Extensions with Fixed Galois Group, 2019.

Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4

F. Gundlach, Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4, 2014.

Brauer-Manin obstructions for sums of two squares and a power

F. Gundlach, Brauer-Manin Obstructions for Sums of Two Squares and a Power, 2012.

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