Ad­vanced Sem­in­ar "Num­ber The­ory and Arith­met­ic­al Stat­ist­ics"

WiSe 2024/2025

Location: D 2 314                    Time: 14:00 - 15:30

The seminar will take place regularly on wednesdays from April 9th, 2025.

Ober­sem­in­ar "Num­ber The­ory and Arith­met­ic­al Stat­ist­ics": Daniel Windisch (Leipzig), Al­geb­ra­ic geo­metry of equi­lib­ria in co­oper­at­ive games

Location: A3.339
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: Algebraic geometry of equilibria in cooperative games

Abstract: The classical notion of Nash equilibria imposes the somewhat
unnatural assumption of independent non-cooperative acting
on the players of a game. In 2005, the philosopher Wolfgang Spohn
introduced a new concept, called dependency equilibria, that also
takes into consideration cooperation of the players.
Dependency equilibria are, however, much more involved from a
mathematical viewpoint.

This talk will give the necessary background in game theory
and will show how basic (real) algebraic geometry can be used
to study dependency equilibria and game theoretical questions
in general. It is based on joint work with Irem Portakal.

Ober­sem­in­ar "Num­ber The­ory and Arith­met­ic­al Stat­ist­ics": Daniel Windisch (Leipzig), Al­geb­ra­ic geo­metry of equi­lib­ria in co­oper­at­ive games

Location: A3.339
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: Algebraic geometry of equilibria in cooperative games

Abstract: The classical notion of Nash equilibria imposes the somewhat
unnatural assumption of independent non-cooperative acting
on the players of a game. In 2005, the philosopher Wolfgang Spohn
introduced a new concept, called dependency equilibria, that also
takes into consideration cooperation of the players.
Dependency equilibria are, however, much more involved from a
mathematical viewpoint.

This talk will give the necessary background in game theory
and will show how basic (real) algebraic geometry can be used
to study dependency equilibria and game theoretical questions
in general. It is based on joint work with Irem Portakal.

Ober­sem­in­ar "Num­ber The­ory and Arith­met­ic­al Stat­ist­ics": Daniel Windisch (Leipzig), Al­geb­ra­ic geo­metry of equi­lib­ria in co­oper­at­ive games

Location: A3.339
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: Algebraic geometry of equilibria in cooperative games

Abstract: The classical notion of Nash equilibria imposes the somewhat
unnatural assumption of independent non-cooperative acting
on the players of a game. In 2005, the philosopher Wolfgang Spohn
introduced a new concept, called dependency equilibria, that also
takes into consideration cooperation of the players.
Dependency equilibria are, however, much more involved from a
mathematical viewpoint.

This talk will give the necessary background in game theory
and will show how basic (real) algebraic geometry can be used
to study dependency equilibria and game theoretical questions
in general. It is based on joint work with Irem Portakal.