Ober­se­mi­nar "Num­ber Theo­ry and Arith­me­ti­cal Sta­ti­stics"

So­Se 2025

Ort: Medienraum D2 314                                Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr

Das Seminar findet ab dem 09.04.2025 regelmäßig mittwochs statt.

Fran­cis­co Araú­jo (Pa­der­born), Er­dos sie­ves and re­pea­ted pat­terns

Ort: A3 339
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: Erdos sieves and repeated patterns

Abstract: Recently Gundlach and Klüners introduced  the concept of sieves on the ring of integers of a number field, and studied the associated dynamical systems. In this talk, we give an overview of what is referred in the literature as Sarnak's Program for these dynamical systems. We then show how the study of such dynamical systems gives insights into the study of distinct problems in number theory.

Fran­cis­co Araú­jo (Pa­der­born), Er­dos sie­ves and re­pea­ted pat­terns

Ort: A3 339
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: Erdos sieves and repeated patterns

Abstract: Recently Gundlach and Klüners introduced  the concept of sieves on the ring of integers of a number field, and studied the associated dynamical systems. In this talk, we give an overview of what is referred in the literature as Sarnak's Program for these dynamical systems. We then show how the study of such dynamical systems gives insights into the study of distinct problems in number theory.

Fran­cis­co Araú­jo (Pa­der­born), Er­dos sie­ves and re­pea­ted pat­terns

Ort: A3 339
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Title: Erdos sieves and repeated patterns

Abstract: Recently Gundlach and Klüners introduced  the concept of sieves on the ring of integers of a number field, and studied the associated dynamical systems. In this talk, we give an overview of what is referred in the literature as Sarnak's Program for these dynamical systems. We then show how the study of such dynamical systems gives insights into the study of distinct problems in number theory.