General Information
Promotionsausschuss Mathematik
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Paderborn
33095 Paderborn
Further Contact Data (e-mail, phone, fax, office) are provided via this link.
Statutes (October 26, 2010)
First Amendment (August 27, 2012)
Second Amendment (November 27, 2017)
Third Amendment (May 31, 2021)
inofficial reading version
If you plan to get a PhD in mathematics from the EIM faculty at Paderborn university, you may submit an application to "Feststellung der Promotionsvoraussetzungen". This means that, based upon this application, we will check whether you fulfill the general requirements for obtaining a PhD in mathematics here in Paderborn. It is recommended to submit such an application as soon as you start to work on your dissertation; it is required if you seek enrollment as a PhD student. The application has to be directed to the PhD board (or its head) and has to contain:
- Documents that prove the fulfillment of the PhD requirements;
- Declarations on any PhD exams that you have finally failed.
For item 1, we usually need a copy of your master degree and your master transcript. They need not be certified, but have to be translated into German or English if they are not given in either language. If you have a degree from abroad, we might also need a declaration of the International Office of our university on formal eligiblility. (They do not check the mathematical eligibility, but just the formal one.)
How to submit?
Until further notice, the application is recommended to be via e-mail (as far as the PhD board is concerned). If you plan to become a PhD student, we additionally need a scan of the filled "Bescheinigung zur Aufnahme eines Promotionsstudiums".
If you would like to enroll as a PhD student, please send me an e-mail (using your university account and your realname as sender name) with the following statements:
- Statement whether you finally failed to pass an earlier PhD exam in mathematics;
- Statement whether you have obtained the German Hochschulzugangsberechtigung ("Abitur").
These statement should just comprise one to two lines each of plain text; please do not put them into attachments.
Moreover, in the same e-mail, please send me scanned copies (PDF only) of:
- "Bescheinigung zur Aufnahme eines Promotionsstudiums" (filled-in, and signed by the advisor)
- your master degree
- (only if the field of your master study is neither "Mathematik" nor "Technomathematik") your transcripts of your bachelor and your master degrees.
Please note that the "Bescheinigung" (see 1.) is signed by exactly one person, namely your advisor. Neither you nor myself sign that document.
Any documents that are neither in German nor in English have to be complemented by translations to either languages.
If your submission does not meet the standards outlined above, it will take significantly longer to process your application.
If your dissertation is ready and you are going to take the PhD exam, please submit the following documents (in German):
- Application to the PhD exam
- Six hard copies of the dissertation
- Proposal for the reviewers
- Proposal for the members of the PhD commission
- Proof of an eligible degree
- CV
- Declarations according to § 7 (2) No 4 of the PhD guidelines
The dissertation may be written in German or English. In either cases, however, it has to contain a German and an English summary.
- The application has to be addressed to the head of the PhD board. There is no form for this.
- The number of hard copies is given by the PhD guidelines. Nevertheless, we will be very grateful, if the number of hard copies equals 1 plus the cardinality of the union of the proposed reviewer set with the proposed PhD commission. If in doubt, please contact the head of the PhD board in advance.
- The proposal has to contain the names and affiliations of at least 2 reviewers; at least one of them has to be an EIM menber.
- The proposal has to contain exactly five members for the commission; among them at least three professors, at least two reviewers and at least three EIM-M members that represent mathematics.
- The proofs and certificates have to be submitted in original form or in certified ("amtlich beglaubigt") copy. If they are not in German, also a certified ("amtlich beglaubigt") copy has to be added.
- The CV has to, in particular, list the path of education. This includes al list of school and university degrees.
- There is a form for the declarations. It is available here.
An electronic application is not possible.
The information above is not legally binding. Details are given in the PhD guidelines ("Promotionsordnung").