Interdisciplinary Research Seminar "Quantum Networks"
This interdisciplinary research seminar brings together researchers from physics, computer sciences and mathematics in order to tackle the multifaceted challenges of modern quantum networks.
The seminar will take place
Tuesday from 2:15 pm-3:30 pm in the lecture room A5
Seminar Program
30.04.2019 | Dominik Hangleiter, FU Berlin "Verication vs. approximate sampling: How hard is it to verify quantum supremacy?"
21.05.2019 | Robert König, TU München "Quantum advantage with noisy shallow circuits in 3D" |
04.06.2019 |
(no seminar but your are welcome to join the workshop) |
11.06.2019 | Mauro Paternostro, Queen's University Belfast "Quantum state engineering based on machine learning-enhanced quantum walks" |
18.06.2019 | Norbert Schuch, MPI für Quantenoptik, Garching "tba" |
25.06.2019 | Jelmer Renema, University of Twente "Can we reach a quantum advantage using photonics?"
02.07.2019 | Marco Aldi, Virginia Commonwealth University "A Mathematical Perspective on Quantum Satisability Problems"
09.07.2019 | Norbert Lütkenhaus, University of Waterloo
16.10.2018 | Jan Sperling, Paderborn University "New approaches in entanglement theory" |
23.10.2018 | Albert Werner, University of Copenhagen The interplay of disorder and interaction: From Anderson to many-body localization |
30.10.2018 | Janos Asboth, Wigner research center "Topological phases of quantum walks and how they can be detected" |
6.11.2018 | Dagmar Bruss, University Düsseldorf tba |
20.11.2018 | Saleh Rahimi-Keshari, University Hannover "The promise and limitations of quantum simulation with linear optics" |
15.1.2019 | Philip Walther, University of Vienna "Quantum photonics for secure quantum computing and counter-intuitive quantum communications “ |
22.1.2019 | Fabio Sciarrino, Sapienza University Rome tba |
29.1.2019 | Anthony Laing, University of Bristol tba |
2018-04-24 | Sevag Gharibian | Introduction to quantum computing |
2018-05-08 | Sonja Barkhofen | "Overview over measures of non-classicality Gaussian boson sampling for perfect matchings of arbitrary graphs", arxiv 1712.06729 physics point of view |
2018-05-15 | Sevag Gharibian | same work from computer scientist point of view |
2018-05-29 | Paulina Sharapova | Quantum Experiments and Graphs: Multiparty States as Coherent Superpositions of Perfect Matchings (PhysRevLett.119.240403) |
2018-06-05 | General discussion about future topics | |
2018-06-19 | Planning for next semester | |
2018-06-26 | Tim Bartley | "Efficient algorithm for boson sampling with partially distinguishable photons" and "Sampling of partially distinguishable bosons and the relation to the multidimensional permanent" |
2018-07-03 | Christine Silberhorn | Summary of Gaussian Boson Sampling |
2018-07-17 | Elisabeth Wagner | Experimental learning of quantum states arXiv:1712.00127 |
2017-10-24 | Martin Kolb | Mixing for Markov Chains |
2017-11-07 | Tim Bartley | Overview over measures of non-classicality |
2017-11-21 | Sonja Barkhofen | What can Quantum Optics Say about Computational Complexity Theory? PRL 114 060501 |
2017-11-28 | Sonja Barkhofen/ Tim Bartley | Part II |
2017-12-12 | Linda Sansoni | Gaussian Boson Sampling |
2017-12-19 | Torsten Meier | Scattershot Boson Sampling |
2018-01-16 | Johannes Blömer | A linear-optical proof that the permanent is# P-hard |
2018-01-30 | Joachim Hilgert/ Martin Kolb | Mathematical Background of Boson Sampling |
Donnerstag, 20. April 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Vortragender: Sonja Barkhofen
Titel: Introduction to quantum computing - An experimental point of view
Donnerstag, 27. April 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Vortragender: Joachim Hilgert
Titel: Bosonen, Symmetrische Tensoren und Permanenten
Donnerstag, 04. Mai 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Vortragender: Johannes Blömer
Titel: Komplexitätsklassen und Samplingprobleme I
Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Vortragender: Johannes Blömer
Titel: Komplexitätsklassen und Samplingprobleme II
Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Vortragender: Johannes Blömer
Titel: Komplexitätsklassen und Samplingprobleme III
In den Wochen vom 25.05 bis 22.06 wird wegen diverser Feiertage, Asta Festival und Klausurtagung kein Seminar stattfinden
Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Vortragender: Johannes Blömer
Titel: Exaktes Bosonsampling
Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Martin Kolb
Titel: Zufallsmatrizen
Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Tobias Weich
Titel: Approximatives Bosonsampling
Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2017; 14:15 - 15:45 in D1.303
Tim Bartley
Titel: Boson Sampling Experimente

Head -
Office: O4.258
Phone: +49 5251 60-6651

Professor - i.R.
Office: D2.207
Phone: +49 5251 60-2635
Web: Homepage

Head -
Office: J2.207
Phone: +49 5251 60-2643
Web: Homepage

Head - Lehrstuhlinhaberin
Office: ST0.131
Phone: +49 5251 60-5884

Head - Head of the Group Spectral Analysis
Office: D2.216
Phone: +49 5251 60-2624
Web: Homepage