Mar­git Rös­ler: Short CV

Personal data: 

  • born: December 1962, in Zwiesel, Germany
  • citizenship: german
  • married 

Education and Academic Career: 

  • since 2012: Professor (W2 Analysis), Paderborn University
  • 2006-2012: Professor (W2 Analysis), TU Clausthal
  • 2005-06: Research associate, SFB/TRR 12 "Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems", Bochum
  • winter term 2004/05: temporal full professorship (C4 Algebra), TU Darmstadt
  • 2004-2005: Visiting researcher, University of Amsterdam; funded by an NWO grant (with T. Koornwinder)
  • 2000-2004: Lecturer (C2, non-permanent), Göttingen University 
  • 1999: Habilitation in Mathematics, TU Munich, with a thesis in Dunkl theory
  • 1996/97: Visiting researcher, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, hosted by C.F. Dunkl. Funded by a grant of the German Science Foundation (DFG).
  • 1992-2000: Postdoc and Assistant Professor (C1), Department of Mathematics, TU Munich
  • 1992: PhD in Mathematics, TU Munich (summa cum laude), with a thesis in hypergroup theory. Advisors: Rupert Lasser, Elmar Thoma
  • 1989-92: Research associate, GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health Munich (now Hemholtz Munich)
  • 1988: Diploma in Mathematics, TU Munich 
  • 1982 - 88: Study of Mathematics (Minor Physics), TU Munich and ETH Zürich


  • 1984-88: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation)
  • 1982-88: Stiftung Maximilianeum (a scholarship for highly talented Bavarian students) 



  • since 2023: Member of the SFB/TRR 358 "Integral structures in Geometry and Representation Theory" (Bielefeld and Paderborn)
  • 2006: Offer of an associate professorship at KU Leuven (declined)
  • 2002-2004: Faculty member, DFG Research Training Group "Groups and Geometry" GRK~535, Göttingen


Selected publications: