This three week lecture series is part of the master program "Mathematische Methoden der Physik"

Abstract: The theory of Fourier series writes a smooth function f on the circle as an infinite sum of functions of the form an einθ for n ∈ Z. The functions einθ are the irreducible characters of the circle, and the Fourier coefficient an is obtained by integrating f against the conjugate of the corresponding character. More generally, it is natural to consider a compact subset X ⊂ Rn with a compact, transitive group of symmetries G. In this generality, there is a theory of Fourier series on X which is founded on an understanding of the irreducible characters of G. In this minicourse, we will discuss the characters of compact, connected Lie groups and their relationship with geometry.


Dates (to be confirmed)

  • Do 26.04.2018 11-13 Raum H 3.203
  • Fr 27.04.2018 11-13  Raum E 2.304
  • Mo 30.04.2018 14-16 Raum A 3.339
  • Mo 30.04.2018 16-18 Raum A 3.339
  • Mi 02.05.2018 16-18  Raum E 2.316
  • Mo 14.05.2018 16.45 - 17:45 (Colloquium in D2 -- Joint tea with the speaker 16:15 in the common room on floor D2)