
Con­fe­rence: Spec­tral geo­me­try, graphs and se­mic­las­si­cal ana­ly­sis

<link http: sgsa2017>


Yannick BONTHONNEAU (Rennes 1), Charles BORDENAVE (Toulouse, to be confirmed), Yaiza CANZANI (University North Carolina), Nguyen Viet DANG (Lyon 1), Alexis DROUOT (Columbia), Semyon DYATLOV (MIT), Clotilde FERMANIAN KAMMERER (Paris Est), Jeffrey GALKOWSKI (Stanford, to be confirmed), Damien GAYET (Grenoble), Sean GOMES (Northwestern), Camille LAURENT (Jussieu), Etienne LE MASSON (Bristol), Carlangelo LIVERANI (Rome), Daniel PERALTA SALAS (ICMAT, Madrid), Iosif POLTEROVICH (Montréal), Julien SABIN (Orsay), Mostafa SABRI (Orsay, to be confirmed), Shu SHEN (Orsay), Masato TSUJII (Kyushu University), Ivan VESELIC (Dortmund, to be confirmed), San VU NGOC (Rennes 1), Tobias WEICH (Paderborn), Jared WUNSCH (Northwestern), Steve ZELDITCH (Northwestern), Maciej ZWORSKI (Berkeley).