Se­mi­nar So­phus Lie

56th session of Seminar Sophus Lie

Seminar Sophus Lie is a joint seminar of a group of German mathematicians interested in the theory of Lie groups and their wider horizon. It was founded around 1989-90 when, during the Volkskammer Government of the German Democratic Republic in 1989, open contacts between mathematicians in East- and Westgermany became a reality for the first time since 1961. Several mathematicians located at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, the University of Erlangen, the University of Greifswald, and the University of Leipzig organized informally the Seminar with financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and met for the first seminar session at the University of Leipzig in January 1991.

The next meeting will take place at Paderborn, February 14-15, 2020.

Besides the lectures of the invited speakers there will be shorter contributed talks. Please register by December 19, 2019 if you plan to contribute a talk.

We also invite all registered participants to an excursion and a dinner. Please make sure to register by January 14, 2020 for your participation in the excursion/dinner.

There is no conference fee.

Invited speakers

Yves Benoist (Universite Paris-Sud)
Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich)
Tobias Hartnick (KIT Karlsruhe)
Alessandra Iozzi (ETH Zürich)
Ralf Köhl (Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen)
Job Kuit (Universität Paderborn)
Armin Rainer (Universität Wien)
Erik P. van den Ban (Utrecht, Netherlands)

Organizing committee

Kai-Uwe Bux (Bielefeld)
Helge Glöckner (Paderborn)
Joachim Hilgert (Paderborn)
Tobias Weich (Paderborn)

Supported by

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