Mitt­wochs, 14:00-15.30 im Raum A3.339

05.04.23:  Mingyu Ni (Paderborn): "D-modules and geometric representation theory of real reductive groups"

19.04.23: Daniel Orr (Virginia Tech/MPI Bonn): "From quantum toroidal algebras to wreath Macdonald operators"

26.04.23: Raschid Abedin (ETH Zürich): "On the classification of D-bialgebras on power series algebras"

03.05.23: Alexander Pütz (Paderborn): "Toric equivariant cohomology of quiver Grassmannian"

17.05.23: Hans Franzen (Paderborn): "Cohomology of universal bundles on smooth projective quiver moduli spaces"

24.05.23: Andrew Hubery (Bielefeld): "Connections on sheaves on weighted projective lines, and the Deligne-Simpson problem"

07.06.23: Daniel Perniok (Paderborn): "Direct sums and extensions of irreducible components of module varieties"

14.06.23:  Roman Fedorov (Kansas State/MPI Bonn): "Langlands duality for Hitchin systems"

21.06.23: joint Oberseminar Bielefeld-Paderborn (im Raum J3.330)

  •     14:30-15:30: Okke van Garderen (Luxembourg), "The hidden symmetries of McKay quivers"
  •      16:00-17:00: Sondre Kvamme (Trondheim), "Indecomposables in the monomorphism category"
  •      17:15-18:15: Karin Erdmann (Oxford),  "Tame symmetric algebras"



12.07.23: Igor Burban (Paderborn), "Algebraic geometry of the fractional quantum Hall effect on a torus"