NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 125: Piecewise smooth system and optimization with piecewise linearization via algorithmic differentiation Programme:Monday, June 25thAndrea Walther: Abs-Linearization for Piecewise Smooth Optimization Olga Ebel: Dealing with Optimization Problems Constrained by Nonlinear Piecewise Smooth PDEsXiaolin Huang: Parametric and Non-parametric Piecewise Linear Model and its OptimizationJean Utke: Applying PL Optimization to a Data Science ProblemStephan Schmidt: Non-Smooth Geometric Inverse ProblemsTuesday, June 26thLaurent Hascoet: Non-smooth tangent differentiation experiments with Source-Transformation AD toolsBrad Bell: CppAD’s Abs-normal RepresentationFritz Mayer-Lindenberg: Applying automatic functorial substitutions to simplify programmingFrancesc Anton Castro: Introduction to Algebraic and Computational GeometryKathrin Welker: Solution Techniques for Constrained Shape Optimization Problems in Shape SpacesPaul Barton: Lexicographic DerivativesWednesday, June 27thSiegfried Rump: Introduction to INTLABVladik Kreinovich: How Interval Measurement Uncertainty Affects the Results of Data Processing: A Calculus-Based Approach to Computing the Range of a BoxTakashi Tsuchiya: A Recursive Recomputation Approach to Smoothing in Nonlinear and Bayesian State-Space ModelingThursday, June 28thTaihei Oki: Index Reduction for Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Equations via Combinatorial RelaxationTom Streubel: TBAwebpage of the workshop Sie interessieren sich für: ForschungsgebieteLehreSoftwareMitglieder der ArbeitsgruppeFGI 2017NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 125