West­fäl­is­che Stochastiktage 2024

The workshop ‚Westfälische Stochastiktage‘ will take place at Paderborn University on

September 19-20, 2024.

It is the third of its kind after 2018 and 2022. The workshop aims at bringing together PhD students working in probability theory at one of the universities of Westfalia and its proximity. PhD students at any stage of their PhD are welcome. The workshop is designed to provide an opportunity for young scientists to discuss their research, to build a regional scientific network, and to gain experience in presenting scientific results.


Invited speakers are:

  • Prof. Dr. David Dereudre (Université de Lille) - online talk
  • Prof. Dr. Noemi Kurt (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Additionally, we would like to encourage every participant to give a presentation in one of the following two formats: Regular talks (about 30 minutes), in which (partial) results of the PhD project can be presented, and short talks (about 10 minutes), in which the PhD project and/or research problems in its vicinity can be presented. All talks should be given in English. Our room has both blackboards and a projector, which can be used for the talks.

Practical information

Information concerning the location of the University and how to get there please see here.


For any further questions please contact us: stoch(at)mail(dot)upb(dot)de