Call for the elec­tion of stu­dent rep­res­ent­at­ives in the Sen­ate and Fac­ulty Coun­cil

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

From November 30th to December 2nd the elections for the Senate and the Faculty Council of the EIM Faculty will take place in the student status group.
Both bodies are decisive for the study programme - and in both bodies the use of the right to vote and stand for election by students is highly desired.
Involvement in the two democratically elected bodies of the university or faculty enables students to exert considerable influence on the development of the university and faculty.
The relevant election proposal forms can be found on the website
Nominations can be submitted until November 9, 11:59 pm.
Please observe gender parity when drawing up the lists. If this is not met, the reasons for this must be documented!

Here you can find the election announcements:
Faculty Council (German)
Senate (German)

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