Ap­plic­a­tion for stu­dent as­sist­ants (SHK/WHB)

Application for student assistants for the upcoming winter term

For winter term 2024/2025 the Institute of Mathematics needs several student assistants as tutors or correctors for lectures of  mathematics and math-related service lectures. Additionally we are seeking student assistants for our students' study center "Lernzentrum". The application is now open. Please follow the link "Application Form"

Please read about the new contracts below.

Important additional information about your application:

1. Applications, which are handed in until 02.06.2024 23:59 pm are being prioritized. Please make sure to apply until this date, as the first students will be picked immediately. Applications after 02.06.2024 will have the chance to get employed, if there are still empty positions available.

2. This application is *not* for lectures of mathematical didactics. To apply for a position in mathematical didactics be sure to find their own application process.

3. The "Lernzentrum" is open to students of mathematics and technomathematics for around 30-40 hours per week. For this purpose, student assistants from the major lectures will be there to help their fellow students. 

As a student assistant it is possible to support "Lernzentrum", if you are a tutor and/or corrector for one of the basic courses of mathematics. In this case, we ask you to help students with knowledge of "your" lecture, while studying for their homework and exam. Sometimes, students will have random questions about other courses. If you are not sure how to answer, please feel free to help with a matching contact person.

If you decide to apply for additional hours at "Lernzetrum", 8 hours (WHB) or 9 hours (SHK) will be added to your contract and it will be extended to 6 months.

During the semester you should supervise the "Lernzentrum" for about 2-3,5 hours weekly. We are trying to make sure, that your presence will not correlate with the courses you are attending. Additionally we will need you to work 10-20 hours during the semester break. The coordination of working hours will be done by the head of "Lernzentrum".

Model SHK/WHB : 5 months with 7-8 hours per week, potentially more if "Lernzentrum" or organizational work is agreed on.

Of course, 19 hours/week contracts are still possible.


If you have any further questions, please contact Karina.Machuletz(at)math.upb.de

Application Form (in German): Link