Sci­ence Day 2019

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

On Wednesday May 29th 2019 the Science Day of the Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics took place for the third time. This event, which has been initiated in 2017 and has taken place annually ever since, is addressed to doctoral candidates who are just about to complete their promotion. They could present their papers to each other within an informal atmosphere. Not only presenting but also exchange are paramount. The prize money of 200€ serves as a further motivation for a successful performance which is not allowed to be longer than six minutes long.

After the presentations including a round of questions there was a small get–together where one could exchange deeper about the presented research topics. Subsequently followed a presentation ceremony: Tanuj Hasija got a check over 200€ from managing director Dr. Markus Holt for his presentation about „Reliable association among multiple sets of data“. His work is a collaboration with the sports medicine institut Paderborn and Harvard Medical School.

Foto (Luca Jurczyk): Die teilnehmenden Doktoranden, Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer sowie der Geschäftsführer der Fakultät Dr. Markus Holt.
Foto (Luca Jurczyk): Tanuj Hasija gewann den Science Day und bekam von Dr. Markus Holt einen Scheck über 200€ überreicht.