Oberseminar "Geometrische und harmonische Analysis": Sebastien Gouezel (University Rennes) (zoom)

Veranstalter: D 2.314

Title: Ruelle Resonances for Geodesic Flows on Noncompact Manifolds

Abstract: Ruelle resonances are complex numbers associated to a dynamical system that describe the precise asymptotics of the correlations for large times. It is well known that this notion makes sense for smooth uniformly hyperbolic dynamics on compact manifolds. In this talk, I will consider the case of the geodesic flow on some noncompact manifolds. In a class of such manifolds (called SPR), I will explain that one can define Ruelle resonances in a half-plane delimited by a critical exponent at infinity. Joint work with Barbara Schapira and Samuel Tapie.

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