
Pa­der­born Col­lo­qui­um on Da­ta Sci­ence and Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence in School - Ses­si­on #15, Part 1: Jo­se­phi­ne Lou­ie - Part 2: Joa­chim En­gel

Session #15, Part 1: Supporting critical data literacy for civic engagement and social justice
Josephine Louie (USA)

Session #15, Part 2: Critical data literacy for democracy education
Joachim Engel (Germany)

Detailed information on presentations and speakers can be found at https://www.prodabi.de/colloquium.
The colloquium is open and free for everyone and will be held via zoom. However, registration is necessary (for those who are not yet registered) at https://www.prodabi.de/registration-colloquium