
Ober­­se­­mi­­nar "Geo­­me­tri­­sche und ha­r­­mo­­ni­­sche Ana­­ly­­sis": Guen­dali­na Pal­mi­rot­ta (Pa­der­born), The­re is a cu­rious re­la­ti­on bet­ween two kinds of pha­se space dis­tri­bu­ti­ons as­so­ci­a­ted to ei­gen­func­ti­ons of the La­pla­ci­an on a hy­per­bo­lic sur­face: Pat­ter­son-

Ort: D2.314

Abstract: There is a curious relation between two kinds of phase space distributions associated to eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a hyperbolic surface: Patterson-Sullivan distributions, which are geodesics-flow invariant distributions, and Wigner distributions, which arise in quantum chaos and are invariant under the wave group.

In this talk, we will describe these two distributions and generalise them on convex-cocompact hyperbolic surfaces. Then, we will show how they are asymptotically intertwined.

This is a joint work with Benjamin Delarue (Paderborn).

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