
Ober­se­mi­nar Kom­ple­xe Quan­ten­sys­te­me: Mor­ris Brooks (UZH) - The Fröh­lich po­la­ron at strong coup­ling

Ort: Zoom

Oberseminar Komplexe Quantensysteme

Morris Brooks (Universität Zürich)

The Fröhlich polaron at strong coupling

In this talk we will review some recent results on the Fröhlich polaron, which is a model for a charged particle coupled to a polarizable medium. We will especially focus on a conjecture due to Landau and Pekar from 1948, claiming that the mass of the charged particle is effectively increased due to its interaction with the environment according to the asymptotic formula m_eff=\alpha^4 m_LP, where \alpha is the coupling strength between particle and medium and m_LP is an explicit constant.

For Zoom-Data please contact Benjamin Hinrichs.