40 years LEA - Cel­eb­ra­tion event with sci­entif­ic col­loqui­um

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

On Friday, 01/10/2021, the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Engineering (LEA) in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Starting with introductory words by Professor Böcker and congratulatory words by the Vice President Ms. Simone Probst, an overview of the development of the department, which today has 30 employees, will be given by Norbert Fröhleke. A special highlight will be the following colloquium with the following contributions:

"Power Electronic Circuits and Applications - 40 Years in Retrospect and a Little Outlook" by Peter Ide, Peter Wallmeier (Delta Energy Systems, Soest),

 "Converter-Based Power System Stability" by Prof. Jian Sun (Center for Future Energy Systems Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York).

 "40 Years LEA | 50 Years LUST, LTI+KEBA: Our Partnership for Innovative Drive Technology" by Stephan Beineke (Keba Industrial Automation, Lahnau).

The field of LEA was established by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Grotstollen in 1981. During this time, long-term industrial partnerships were already established in the context of the research work (e.g. with ABB CEAG in Soest, today Delta Energy Systems, or Lust Antriebstechnik in Lahnau, today Keba), which still exist today. At that time, Professor Grotstollen's team was already focusing its research on self-adjusting three-phase drives and power electronic power supply modules, especially with resonant converter and PFC technology. With the partnership with Prof. Li from the Aeronautics University in Beijing, a long-term cooperation was established. With Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Böcker, a department head followed in 2003, who has shaped the research field in Paderborn to this day. A new focus became electrical drive technology in the automotive sector, which required the construction of a powerful, modern drive test bench. The investigations carried out on it led to long-term partnerships, in particular with the Daimler company. With the successful projects which could be won among other things in the context of the technology network it's OWL, the specialist area grew further and the new research emphasis energy management was established. In this context, a cooperation with AEG Power Solutions in Warstein could be solidified. As of 2017, activities in the field of power electronics are increasingly focusing on converters in the charging line of electric vehicles. Development continues steadily, with the BMBF's ForLab infrastructure initiative funding a new innovative laboratory landscape for the power electronics of the future with around EUR 1 million. Independently of this, the ERDF.NRW is approving the construction of a microgrid laboratory in the basement of the IW Hall for around EUR 4 million for the area of energy management. The IW Hall, the laboratory area of the department, is therefore currently being completely renovated.

Through the alumni network LEAiD e.V., founded in 2002, an active exchange also takes place with former members of the department - so the success of the department and the memory of its beginnings can be celebrated together with all staff members within the framework of a scientific colloquium.


(The festive event will take place under Corona conditions with registration).