"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: 23rd Epis­ode with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Se­basti­an Peitz and Dr.-Ing. Oliv­er Wall­scheid

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the 23rd episode of the "All Day Research" Podcast we welcome two guests. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz and Dr.-Ing. Oliver Wallscheid talk with our host Marvin Beckmann about Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an interdisciplinary project.

Since September, both scientists have been researching in their two AI junior research groups how machine learning can be optimized and better used. To this end, they plan to work closely together in the near future in order to benefit from the knowledge of the different fields: "In Sebastian's team, it is primarily mathematicians and computer scientists who bring a rather abstract view of software, and in my team, it is primarily engineers who have expertise in the respective application. [...] We always find interfaces where it helps to look at a problem with a diverse team," explains Dr. Wallscheid.

The junior research groups are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with a total of 1.8 million euros for three years. However, this funding is also accompanied by certain framework conditions to which both junior research group leaders have to adhere: "The fact that you are completely financed by third-party funds means that your leeway is a little tighter. [...] Coupled with the time limit of this funding, it requires very clean planning right from the start," says Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peitz. Despite the organizational hurdles, both scientists see the collaboration in the junior research groups as a great opportunity for their respective research.

The implementation of the podcast was developed in cooperation with the Department of Computer Science and the Student Council for Mathematics/Computer Science. The aim is to give more insights into science and thereby bring students - especially those in the first semester - closer to the study, to arouse interest and to show how much fun research and the study of Computer Science at the Paderborn University can be.

Listen now to the 23rd episode of the "All Day Research" podcast. Find it everywhere podcast is available or here on the department page.

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