"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: 30th epis­ode with Prof Dr Ivan Habernal

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In the 30th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about Natural Language Processing and its use in understanding law.

Before Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal came to Paderborn University in October 2023, he studied computer science and music in Pilsen, a city in the Czech Republic. As part of his professorship at Paderborn University in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP for short), he is working, among other things, on the development of an AI to answer legal questions in a serious, freely accessible and understandable way. "We are working in the area of NLP in some subfields and one of them is working with legal texts," says Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal, summarizing his research area.

In this field of research, which has changed considerably in recent years, Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal works together with lawyers and attorneys in an interdisciplinary manner in order to check the accuracy of the results of the programs, which are intended to break down the content of legal texts correctly to an understandable level. The challenge lies in the detail of correctly understanding and simplifying the extensive legal language without changing the message behind it, as well as in the complexity of European law and its arguments. "every milestone in between which you achieve brings you more open questions [...] and this is great," says Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal when asked whether there is a concrete goal in his research area.

Listen now to the 30th episode of the “All Day Research” podcast. Find it everywhere podcast ist available or in the department page

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Note: This episode of the “All Day Research” podcast was recorded in English.