„All Day Re­search” Pod­cast: 32nd Epis­ode with Di­et­rich Ger­sten­ber­ger

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the 32nd episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dietrich Gerstenberger who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about the study centre for computer science (LZI) and the science that goes with it.

As a research assistant, Mr. Gerstenberger heads the study centre for computer science. In addition to offering students a wide range of support during their studies, the study centre also research learning behavior and new learning concepts."It is still about reducing dropouts, improving quality for students [and] successful study progression." Mr. Gerstenberger summarizes the goals of the study centre.

At the beginning of his role as Head of the study centre for computer science, Dietrich Gerstenberger tried to transfer the so-called Scrum method from software development to the study centre system and explains in this episode what he was able to develop from this method for the study centre's offerings.In order to involve more students, SHKs now lead the consultation hours. Mr. Gerstenberger also offers study-related courses such as "Creative Coding".

At the same time, he conducts research into students' personal learning goals and learning types, whereby Dietrich Gerstenberger also uses methods from product development for this purpose.

Listen now to the 32nd episode of the “All Day Research” podcast. Find it everywhere podcast is available or in the department page.

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