"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: 41st epis­ode with Dr Mat­thi­as Fisc­her

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the 41st episode of the “All Day Research” podcast, Dr. Rita Hartel from the Computer Science Office talks to Dr. Matthias Fischer about project groups and the virtual chemistry lab.

Dr Matthias Fischer studied computer science at Paderborn University. After completing his doctorate, he remained at Paderborn University as a researcher and lecturer and now supervises various project groups. His research focusses on the field of algorithmic computer science.

In the interview with Rita Hartel, Mr Fischer gives an insight into the project groups of the virtual chemistry lab that he leads. "[A] project group is actually always a group of 6 to 16 students who [work] on a specific topic for two semesters." Dr Matthias Fischer explains the project group teaching format used in the Master's degree programme. The interdisciplinary project of the virtual chemistry laboratory between computer science and chemistry has been in existence for several years and was initiated by Prof Dr Wolfgang Bremser. The lab pursues the idea of designing a virtual three-dimensional space in which young chemistry students can safely carry out individual experiments before performing them in the real lab. A project group always works on the virtual chemistry laboratory for two semesters and is in close contact with lecturers and chemistry students.

Dr. Matthias Fischer talks to Dr. Rita Hartel about how exactly this works and the advantages of working in a project group. Listen to the whole All Day Research episode wherever there is a podcast or on the institute's website.


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