"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: Eight­eenth epis­ode with Dr. Flori­an Klin­gler

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In the eighteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Florian Klingler, who talks about the topic of communication between vehicles together with our host Marvin Beckmann.

In his research area, Dr. Klingler deals with communication in highly mobile networks. In this context, vehicular communication is a subarea of his research focus. The efficiency of these networks depends on various parameters: "For example, reliability, resilience or data rate play an important role. Since the mobility of vehicles is significantly different from that of other means of transportation, a different approach to efficient communication is needed here," explains Dr. Klingler. 

In addition to his research, Dr. Florian Klingler has also been an acting professor in the Department of Computer Networks since mid-2021. He also explained in the current episode what exactly a substitute professorship is all about and how he came to this position. "I enjoy my work very much, although of course more work has been added in the area of teaching. But if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't still be here," Dr. Klingler said.

The podcast was created in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and the Computer Science Student Council. The aim is to give more insights into science and thereby bring students - especially those in the first semester - closer to the study, to arouse interest and to show how much fun research and the study of computer science at Paderborn University can be.

Listen now to the eighteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast. Find it everywhere podcast is available or here on the institute page.

Missed the last episodes? Don't worry, all episodes can also be found on the institute page.