"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: Sev­en­teenth epis­ode with Dr. Lea Budde

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In the seventeenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast we welcome Dr. Lea Budde, who talks with our host Lukas Ostermann about her research field Didactics of Computer Science.

How does computer science education work at school and why does every student need a certain level of general knowledge in this area? These are two core questions that Dr. Lea Budde deals with in her research. In the didactics of computer science, there are many different approaches to how computer science education can be implemented in schools. "On the one hand, there is a technical orientation in which, for example, programming is in the foreground. On the other hand, there is a user orientation, which is more about how to use technical devices and programs. I believe that a combination of both approaches is important so that students can successfully manage their everyday lives in the digital and networked world," explains Dr. Budde.

The focus, she says, is primarily on understanding how students themselves use and help shape technical programs and how teachers can create and support an understanding of these processes at an early age. "As computer science teachers in particular, we have a responsibility to use our expertise to educate students early on about topics in the digital realm and to create a space so that students themselves can reflect on technology and media use," emphasizes Dr. Budde.

The podcast was produced in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and the Computer Science Student Council. The aim is to give more insights into science and thereby bring students - especially those in the first semester - closer to the study, to arouse interest and to show how much fun research and the study of computer science at Paderborn University can be.

Listen now to the seventeenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast. Find it everywhere podcast is available or here on the institute page.

Missed the last episodes? Don't worry, all episodes can also be found on the institute page.