"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: Thir­teenth epis­ode with Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes Blömer on­line

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the thirteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, who talks about cryptography with our host Lukas Ostermann.

Prof. Dr. Blömer has been working at the Paderborn University since 2000. His research area Codes & Cryptography is about the encryption of certain data and messages. In an interview with Lukas Ostermann, he explains the relevance of cryptography: "It is certainly one of the most important basic techniques for all IT security that we use today. Everyone knows it and everyone uses it. There is no way around it," says Prof. Dr. Blömer.

Research on cryptography is not only concerned with ways to distribute secret content securely, but also with the general secrecy of users' private data. "We are also interested in ensuring and optimising the protection of privacy through cryptographic methods," explains Prof. Dr. Blömer.

The podcast was produced in cooperation with the Department of Computer Science and the Computer Science Student Council. The aim is to give more insights into science and thereby bring students - especially those in their first semester - closer to their studies, to arouse interest and to show how much fun research and studying computer science at the Paderborn University can be.

Listen to the thirteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast now and get into the world of research easily and efficiently. Find it wherever podcasts are available or here on the Departments website.

Missed the last episodes? Don't worry, all episodes can also be found on the Department page.