Der Elektro­tech­nik Pod­cast „Cur­rent Af­fairs“: Folge 4 – Was ist ein Cul­ture Fel­low?

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In the fourth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", our guest Lino Sebeke talks to our host, Jan Beinfohr, about the Culture Fellow, his tasks and his functions.

Lino Sebeke is in his sixth semester at Paderborn University and has been the Culture Fellow for Electrical Engineering for over a year. He mediates between students and lecturers at eye level and with a lower inhibition threshold. He sits in on lectures, holds discussions and tries to identify and then solve problems.
He also meets with the Culture Fellows from other departments to exchange ideas and learn from the experiences of others.
"The name Culture Fellow comes from the fact that [...] it's about the departmental culture [...], i.e. the culture that every department at the university lives by," says Lino, explaining the name Culture Fellow.

In this episode, he explains how to become a Culture Fellow and what else Lino Sebeke does.

Listen now to the fourth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs" wherever podcasts are available or on the institute's website.

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