Di­git­al Exit Games - Reach­ing the goal with math­em­at­ics

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

"Retrieve the stolen Corona vaccine", "Escape the tunnel of snakes", "Catch a diamond thief": These are just a few of the assignments of a total of five exciting mathematical exit games that mathematics teaching students at the University of Paderborn have developed as a competition for the tenth grade.

For some time now, exit games have enjoyed increasing popularity. The task is to solve puzzles embedded in an exciting story in a given time. Dr Daniel Thurm from the Mathematics Didactics Department at the University of Paderborn has initiated a cooperation project with the Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus (Paderborn) that focuses on the development, implementation and reflection of mathematical exit games.

In the summer semester of 2021, mathematics Master's teaching students will develop digital exit games with mathematical problem-solving tasks. The games will be implemented in June as part of a competition. Over the course of a month, four groups of three to four interested students from grade 10 at Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus will compete against each other once a week. Each week, the focus is on a different mathematical content area (arithmetic/algebra, stochastics, geometry or functions). Some of the tasks are tricky: "However, it is intended that the students also test their limits," explains Thurm. After five weeks, the winners with the most points are awarded.

"The project aims to provide mathematically interested learners with an exciting offer even in the current pandemic situation," says Thurm. "At the same time, it enables student teachers to creatively and practically develop their digital and subject didactic skills," the scientist notes.

(Photo: Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)
