Fac­ulty of Com­puter Sci­ence, Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and Math­em­at­ics: Three gradu­at­ing classes said good­bye at gradu­ation ce­re­mony

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

On July 8, this year's graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics of Paderborn University took place in the Audimax. This year, the faculty was especially pleased to be able to bid farewell to all graduates in presence. In the past two years, the ceremonies were held online due to the pandemic, which is why all three graduating classes from 2020 had the opportunity to participate in this year's ceremony.

Festive farewell

After the festive farewell by President Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, Dean Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier and Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt, the keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, former President of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts, was a highlight of the event. Entitled "Scientific Misconduct: Professors and Celebrities as Perpetrators, not least with a View to the Reactions of the 'System'", Löwer spoke in his thoroughly humorous lecture about cases of fraud and plagiarism that he experienced and dealt with over the course of his time as an ombudsperson for science. Some of the incidents were already known through the media, such as the plagiarism case surrounding the dissertation of former German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.

Award-winning students

The second part of the event was started by bachelor student and student council member Alisa Stiballe. In her speech, the "Computer Engineering" student spoke of studying in Corona times and noted the respect deserved by the graduates who managed to graduate in that time. Amid cheers from the packed Audimax, the 2020, 2021 and 2022 graduates received their certificates and congratulations from Dean Professor Schreier - it was the highlight of the afternoon.

The subsequent awarding of prizes for outstanding academic achievements was made possible with the kind support of the sponsors Achelos, dSpace, Phoenix Contact, S&N and Wöhler. Thus, the 2022 awards went to Lukas Langen (Bachelor Mathematics/Technomathematics), Daniel Knaup (Master Mathematics/Technomathematics), Alexander Phillip Nowosad (Bachelor Computer Science), Raphael Nicholas Heitjohann (Master Computer Science), Marc Deegen (Bachelor Electrical Engineering) and Lukas Plebs (Master Electrical Engineering).

A special event of the celebration was the traditional awarding of the Weierstrass prizes for good teaching, which are supported by the company Atos. Junior professor Henning Wachsmuth received the award primarily for his first-semester lectures, in which he was able to explain complicated teaching content in a simple and understandable way.

Suraj Joshi, a master's student in electrical engineering, received the award for his outstanding supervision of exercise groups, in which he promoted the students' learning success with a great deal of patience and expertise.

As in every year, the farewell ceremony of the active graduates concluded this year's program. The band "Night Orchestra" provided the musical background for the event.

Further Information

To the program of the graduation ceremony
To the picture gallery of the ceremony

(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter) Die Absolvent*innen der Jahrgänge 2020, 2021 und 2022 der Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik.
(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter) von links: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf und Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier freuten sich mit den Absolvent*innen.
(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter) Studiendekan Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt.
(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter): Die Weierstraß-Preisträger*innen und ausgezeichnete Studierende für herausragende Studienleistungen 2020, 2021 und 2022, Sponsoren und Dekanat der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik der Universität Paderborn.


Dr. Markus Holt

Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

Write email +49 5251 60-2226