Fields Medal­list Alessio Figalli is the key­note speak­er at the Wei­er­strass Lec­ture 2024

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

The multi-award-winning mathematician Prof. Dr Alessio Figalli will give the keynote lecture at this year's Weierstrass Lecture at Paderborn University on Friday, 26 April. The scientist was awarded the Fields Medal in 2018. It is the highest honour in the field of mathematics and has a reputation comparable to that of the Nobel Prize, which does not exist in this discipline.

Figalli, a professor at ETH Zurich, specialises in partial differential equations, which are among the most important tools in the natural and engineering sciences. In 2012, he received the EMS Prize of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). In 2018, he was awarded the Fields Medal for contributions to the theory of optimal transport and its application to partial differential equations, metric geometry and probability theory.

The Lecture of the Year 2024 thus continues a lecture series that has also attracted a great deal of international attention. The lecturers are selected by an independent jury, which currently includes Professors Martin Kolb (Paderborn), Gérard Laumon (Paris) and David Vogan (Cambridge, USA).

The lecture, which has been held annually since 2011, consists of a keynote speech and an introductory historical lecture. This year, the latter will be given by Prof Dr Tilman Sauer from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz with the title "Einstein and pure compass geometry".

Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend the event at 4 pm in lecture theatre O1. Registration is not necessary. The series of events is named after Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), who graduated from the Theodorianum grammar school in Paderborn in 1834 as "primus omnium", i.e. the best graduate of the school. Weierstrass was one of the most important mathematicians of the 19th century. Among other things, he is considered the founder of modern analysis.

Further information can be found on the event website.

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