Live-Stream: On­line study coun­selling for the bach­el­or’s and mas­ter­’s de­gree pro­gramme in Com­puter Sci­ence

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

The application period for the winter semester has recently opened. Due to the Pandemic, it is unfortunately still not possible to hold consultations in person on-site. The Student Advisory is taking the live streams as an opportunity to enter into a personal dialogue with potential students of Computer Science and to answer any questions they may have about the study programme.

The live streams are offered weekly on specific topics and target groups and take place every Thursday from 6 p.m. Prospective students for the bachelor’s degree programme will make the start on 8 July. For those interested in the master’s programme, there will be a separate online session a week later. But the Student Advisory would also like to offer students who are already enrolled space to clarify possible questions and problems about their studies. For this purpose, there will be a separate livestream session, which will provide space especially for their questions.

The live study counselling session will start on 8 July 2021 at 6 p.m. on the YouTube channel of the Department EIM. Click here to directly go to the first planned live stream.