Live stream: On­line study coun­selling for the Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes in Com­puter Sci­ence

 |  Study Office Computer ScienceEIM-Nachrichten

Twice a month, we answer questions from prospective students as well as students already enrolled in Computer Science in a YouTube livestream. Here you can enter into a personal dialog and ask any questions you may have about studying and the degree program, which we will hopefully be able to answer.

As a rule, there will be a live stream for the Bachelor's degree program on the first Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. and a live stream for the Master's degree program on the third Thursday of every month, also at 6 p.m., which will be broadcast in English. Of course, everyone is welcome to attend and ask questions at any time. In March and September, we always take a one-month break from broadcasting and if there are public holidays, the dates may be postponed by a week - we always announce the exact dates on this page. The next date will always be announced on the YouTube channel.

The live student advisory service takes place on the faculty's YouTube channel: