New area of ex­pert­ise “En­ergy Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing” strengthens re­search and teach­ing in elec­tric­al en­gin­eer­ing - Pro­fess­or Dr.-Ing. Hen­ning Mes­chede ap­poin­ted as new pro­fess­or

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

Since October 2020, the Department of Electrical Engineering has been enriched by a new field of expertise. With his research in the field of energy systems engineering (EST), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Meschede strengthens the professorship of the department. The research and development of decentralized, sustainable energy generation and distribution as well as the analysis of energy demand sets new priorities in research and teaching of electrical engineering, but not only there, because Professor Meschede focuses on the interdisciplinary approach, especially at the interfaces to mechanical engineering and computer science as well as natural, economic and social sciences.
"I see the special emphasis of the new research area above all in the research of regional renewable energy systems, industrial and commercial sector coupling concepts and the data analyses in the context of renewable energy systems" says Professor Meschede, who is pleased to be able to establish his new sphere of activity in Paderborn.
The new courses offered by the research area will mainly cover lectures and tutorials in the fields of energy systems engineering and energy efficiency. Due to the interdisciplinary orientation of the EST area, the teaching offer is open to students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as well as to students of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics.
"Already in the summer semester of 2021, we will offer the courses Energy Systems Engineering, Energy Efficiency in Industry, Energy Systems Engineering and Waste Heat Utilization and Process Integration. The offer is not only aimed at students of the faculty but is also open to students of the mechanical engineering faculty."

Professor Meschede earned his doctorate and conducted research at the University of Kassel, where he was already responsible for coordinating research collaborations with companies in the energy sector and managing research in the field of energy data. After professional stays in the energy industry, he followed the call to the Paderborn University.

"With the professorship, we are referring to the current societal challenges that need to be solved. In almost all cases, electrical engineering is involved in the solution. Anyone who sees their professional future here and is interested in innovations that advance this society is in good hands at our department. With Professor Meschede, we have been able to appoint a young, highly motivated colleague who will contribute fully with his creative power," says Professor Jens Förstner, Director of the Department for Electrical Engineering.
The professorship is an endowed professorship of WestfalenWIND GmbH, initially for five years. The KET (Competence Center for Sustainable Energy Technology) is also pleased to welcome Mr. Meschede as a new professorial member.

(Picture: Paderborn University) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Meschede