New You­Tube series ‘Da steckt Elektro­tech­nik drin’ lets you dis­cov­er the world of elec­tric­al en­gin­eer­ing!

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of electrical engineering with our brand-new YouTube series ‘Da steckt Elektrotechnik drin!’. In collaboration with leading experts and students from our Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, we present a multifaceted series. Each episode highlights a current topic and its innovative application in electrical engineering.

From radar systems to controlling robots with the help of thought, you can experience how electrical engineering creates real added value in everyday life. Join us as we explore the possibilities of radio-frequency electronics and unveil the basis for pioneering technologies.

Stay tuned for more exciting episodes in which we delve even deeper into the world of electrical engineering and present you with the latest developments and innovations. Subscribe to our channel and never miss an episode of ‘Da steckt Elektrotechnik drin!’