Pader­born Uni­ver­sity cel­eb­rates 10 years of Com­pet­ence Cen­ter for Sus­tain­able En­ergy Tech­no­logy (KET)

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On Monday, July 4, the Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET), a central scientific institution of the Paderborn University, celebrated its tenth anniversary. KET activities focus on the transformation of the energy supply system towards a sustainable structure characterized by renewable energies. Specifically, this involves environmentally friendly and innovative energy generation, conversion and use. Numerous guests from science, politics and industry attended the celebrations.

Climate protection, sustainability, energy efficiency and resource conservation

"The focal points that KET has set in research and teaching are of central importance for all areas of our lives and could hardly be more topical. Scientists from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics work together in an interdisciplinary way to advance the topics of climate protection, sustainability, energy efficiency and resource conservation. And they have been doing so very successfully for ten years now. I would like to offer my sincere congratulations," said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner, who welcomed the participants on behalf of the Executive Board.

Flexible, cross-sector and intelligent energy systems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig, Chairman of the Board of KET, outlined the developments of the past ten years. "In 2012, the KET was founded at the Paderborn University. We are pleased that today, with a total of five professorships in the competence centre, we can jointly develop interdisciplinary solutions to energy technology challenges." Kenig also highlighted the contribution to the education of future engineers in the field of energy that the KET has made and will continue to make. Deputy Chairman Prof. Dr.-Eng. Stefan Krauter emphasized the topicality of the research work at KET: "We need the best solutions now to pave the way for flexible, cross-sector and intelligent energy systems. A secure, sustainable, efficient and cost-effective energy supply must be ensured in the future, which is also resilient to unexpected changes and crises." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Böcker, head of the Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Engineering (LEA) department involved in KET, added: "As an interface between industry and university research facilities, KET addresses institutional and industrial users and offers comprehensive cooperation opportunities through consulting, development, simulation and implementation in the field of modern energy technology."

Developing solutions for sustainable energy systems

In particular, the Microgrid Laboratory, a unique research infrastructure at KET in Germany, offers the opportunity to develop concrete solutions for future-proof energy systems: In the lab, the behaviour of battery storage systems, wind turbines or combined heat and power plants is simulated in a practical way. In research and development projects, new innovative concepts are tested and verified under realistic conditions.

Ulf C. Reichardt, Chairman of the Management Board of NRW.Energy4Climate GmbH, a new state company for energy and climate protection, and Hubert Hermelingmeier, GTZ/QM/Energy Management Miele & Cie. KG, gave keynote speeches on the topics of climate-neutral industry and modern energy concepts. In a panel discussion, Wibke Brems, energy policy spokeswoman for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament, Johannes Lackmann, Managing Director of WestfalenWIND GmbH, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Kreusel, Hitachi Energy, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva Schwenzfeier-Hellkamp from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences discussed the contributions that science can make to promising energy systems. The event was moderated by Klaus Meyer, managing director of Energie Impuls OWL e. V. Finally, there were laboratory tours with unique insights into research at KET for all interested parties.

(Photo: Paderborn University, Jennifer Strube) Prof. Dr. Eng. Volker Schöppner, Prof. Dr. Eng. Eugeny Kenig, Prof. Dr. Tina Kasper, Prof. Dr. Eng. Stefan Krauter, Prof. Dr. Eng. Joachim Böcker, Vice President Simone Probst and Prof. Dr. Eng. Henning Meschede.


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Matti Grabo

Kompetenzzentrum für Nachhaltige Energietechnik (KET)


Write email +49 5251 60-2392