Re-elec­tion of the Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

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"From my own experience and through exchanges with other academics, I know that there is still a lot to be done for equal opportunities and justice, and I would like to help," says Dr. Charlene Weiß. She is a research assistant at the Department of Mathematics and has been Equal Opportunities Officer at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics since December 2022.

Together with her colleague Inga Gill, an employee in the Faculty Office and Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer since 2021, they were re-nominated by the Women's Assembly at the end of the last term of office and subsequently re-elected by the Faculty Council on December 18, 2023. Inga Gill is currently training to become a company contact person - prevention.

Her duties in her office include participating in and advising the faculty on equal opportunities matters, in particular in recruitment and appointment procedures and in drawing up the faculty's equal opportunities plan. They are also available to advise staff and students on equality-related issues. Especially in confidential matters, Inga Gill and Dr. Charlene Weiß offer a protected space for exchange and advice.

Their aim during this term of office is to raise awareness of the issue of equality and diversity, particularly in appointment committees and recruitment procedures.

Members of the faculty can contact them with all equality-related concerns. They also provide support and advice on issues such as discrimination, sexism, sexual harassment, etc. in the event of difficulties in the working and student environment.

Inga Gill and Dr. Charlene Weiß can be contacted by email:


Photo (Paderborn University, Nadija Carter): Inga Gill and Dr. Charlene Weiß are the Faculty's new Equal Opportunities Officers.