Re­viv­al of the FiMINT net­work

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

Dr. Stephanie Forge (FGI) and Dr. Christina Lammer (perspEktIve M, mentoring program for female students of the faculty EIM) would like to inform you/you/you that the network offer FiMINT, the regular network meeting for all MINT women* of the University of Paderborn, will be revived. The first meeting will take place online on 20.10.2022, see attached flyer. On 20.10.2022 they mainly want to clarify possible formats and contents of future meetings.

Ms. Forge and Ms. Lammer would be happy to have you sign up for the meeting and forward the information to others who may be interested.


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Dr. Stephanie Forge

Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft

Projekt "Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft" / Projekt "Schülerinnen-MINT-Mentoring look upb"

Write email +49 5251 60-3003
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Dr. Christina Lammer

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

AI in mentoring, sustainability in mentoring