In­ter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Dy­nam­ics, Op­tim­iz­a­tion and Com­pu­ta­tion (SON2020+2), Sep 26-30

 |  WorkshopM-Nachrichten

Conference in honor of Michael Dellnitz. During the last 25 years, computational techniques for dynamical systems and optimization problems have been developed which allow for the efficient and rigorous approximation of solutions of arbitrary shape and topology. They already have found manifold applications in, e.g., molecular dynamics, engineering, climate research and biology.  The goal of this workshop is to bring together international scientists in order to discuss recent advances and explore connections to other techniques.  The workshop continues a worldwide series of international workshops started in Mexico City in 2010 and held so far at TUM, UNSW, TUD, U Canterbury, ICL, FUB and UCSB.

Conference website