Start of the "NRW-Tech­nikums" at the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born: Ori­ent­a­tion pro­gram for fe­male high school gradu­ates in­ter­ested in MINT / STEM (Sci­ence, Tech­no­logy, En­gin­eer­ing, and Math­em­at­ics) sub­jects

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In September, the University of Paderborn will launch the "NRW-Technikum", a new career and study orientation program for female high school graduates with an interest in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or technology (MINT for short). The program is aimed at young women who have obtained their university or technical college entrance qualification by the start of the program and would like to try out whether STEM studies and STEM professions are right for them. The dual concept combines a trial study at the University of Paderborn with a paid company internship in the region. Under the motto "Try - Decide - Study STEM," the participants gain their first practical experience of studying and working during the six-month program from September 2021 to February 2022 and can try out their skills in the STEM field. The program supports the young women in their career decision-making with a diverse supporting program of workshops, company excursions, networking meetings and soft-skills training, and establishes initial contacts in science and business.

Interested ladies are invited to attend a digital information event of the "NRW-Technikum" on March 31st, April 13th or April 23rd at 5 p.m. each day. Further information on the events, the application and the program can be found at: Applications are available as of now.


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Dr. Stephanie Forge

Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft

Projekt "Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft" / Projekt "Schülerinnen-MINT-Mentoring look upb"

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