Stu­dents give top marks to Com­puter Sci­ence Mas­ter's pro­gramme in Pader­born

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New Germany-wide CHE ranking published

Excellent study organisation, extensive support from teaching staff and the integration of digital teaching elements: The Computer Science degree programme at Paderborn University impresses in the latest ranking for Master's degree programmes published by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE). In addition to the facts on teaching and research, the individual judgements of current students of the subject area were also taken into account - in these categories, the degree programme is in the top group without exception.

In addition to the general study situation, the ranking criteria include support for study abroad programmes, the range of courses on offer and the research and practical orientation of teaching. The Master's degree programme in Computer Science - which has been called "Computer Science" since this winter semester and is offered entirely in English - also scored points for completing degrees in a reasonable amount of time.

"It makes us very proud that our computer science students like their Master's programme so much. We are constantly working on the further development of our teaching. The fact that these efforts are reflected in a Germany-wide ranking is a great recognition for our colleagues," says a delighted Prof Dr Jürgen Klüners, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics at Paderborn University.

The detailed results are available on the Zeit Online website.
